Healthy hair isn’t all about the look and vibrancy of strands. The scalp health beneath it is equally important to how healthy your hair looks and feels. It’s also where tissue damage occurs. If you are predisposed to balding, it is the scalp health that has the greatest influence on how hairs shed and grow back. When thinking about a healthy hair care routine, include Bosley shampoo for the scalp to ensure the skin tissues remain viable during the regrowth process. A cleansing routine will further remove oils, bacteria, and dirt and optimize new skin cell creation. 

Most Common Scalp Issues

  • Eczema

    If you see brown or red inflamed bumps that look like a rash, you likely have eczema. Most often, your immune system reacts as if the hair care shampoos and styling gel substances you are putting on your scalp are harmful. As a reactive measure, eczema occurs, but you can minimize eczema by eating an anti-eczema diet, taking baths with baking soda or oatmeal, borage seed oil or using hair care products that contain coal tar.


  • Alopecia Areata

    Your immune system disrupts hair follicle normalcy and causes hair to fall out quickly. If you notice the onset of bald patches or spots, you likely have alopecia areata. It is not contagious, and the hair typically tends to grow back naturally. A scalp reconditioning shampoo and conditioner will help with scalp health and hair regrowth process.


  • Psoriasis

    When your body has an underactive shedding of skin cells, it causes an autoimmune reaction that leads to psoriasis as they build up and cause red bumps with flakey coloring.


  • Impetigo

    If you notice sores with a yellowish or orangish layering, it is likely impetigo. It is highly contagious and itchy, so you need to see a doctor to receive antibiotics for the bacteria.


  • Telogen Effluvium

    If your body experiences a sudden shock, such as medication, stress, childbirth, or dieting, you may experience telogen effluvium. Thinning or hair loss will occur. Usually, new hair strands will begin to grow, but like alopecia, a good hair care routine will help.


  • Dandruff

    If you notice white or yellow flakes on your hair, skin, or clothes, you likely have dandruff. You may experience it from overactive yeast production and oily or dry skin. Try products that contain ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, coal tar, or zinc pyrithione.


  • Actinic Keratosis

    The most commonly experienced skin damage is from the sun is Actinic keratoses, which takes place over many years under the intensity of UV rays. Your scalp (and other sun-touched areas on the body) will look patchy and scaly as the UV damage progresses. The strands may also appear brittle and will have split ends, most especially if your hair is graying. Using appropriate hair care products is essential for head and scalp protection.


  • Folliculitis

    If you notice bumps in the hair follicles that appear to be blisters or acne-resembling whiteheads, you may have folliculitis. You’ll need an antibacterial shampoo for it. It the infection worsens, you likely need to go to a doctor for bacterial antibiotic medicine.

As you will lose up to one hundred hair strands per day, there is no serious harm with white or yellow flaky dandruff. Only a tenth of your hair is in the telogen stage, and it will be about two months until they fall out and renew themselves, in which the new strands begin a new life cycle. 

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is passed on through your mother’s side of the family. If your maternal grandfather is bald, you have a higher probability of having male pattern baldness, which you’ll first notice as a receding hairline. Use a hair regrowth treatment with minoxidil like Bosley for men to deal with thinning or loss and optimize hair texture with the right hair care aftercare. 

Female Pattern Baldness

With women, age and menopause tend to be more likely causes of female pattern baldness. Women also tend to lose hair on the parting line rather than as a receding hairline rather than complete balding. Minoxidil treatments like Bosley for women will help prevent these problems.

Shampooing And Conditioning 

Choose the best shampoo and conditioner to defend your scalp against hair loss and thinning. You should also develop a regular hair care routine that includes the appropriate number of shampooing and conditioning treatments as washing not enough or too often can cause your scalp to dry and flake. You will also lose moisture levels that are critical to scalp, root, follicle, and strand health. It can also be the primary reason for hair loss. Typically, shampoo dry hair two to three times a week while oily hair types should get washed daily. If you have a normal texture, wash as needed. You must also condition your hair to keep strands beautiful and manageable.

Styling And Coloring

If you use styling agents and ammonia or bleach-based coloring treatments, they will cause serious damage to your scalp and hair. Regular usage of dyes may also increase the risk of cancer and strip the moisture from your hair. Use Bosley hair products to reduce scalp and strand harm. You should use a mild shampoo and proactive styling products for optimal protection.

Premature Gray Hair

Most people see gray hairs that are age-related, but premature graying is possible before the age of forty because of genetic predisposition. Gray hairs also are not symptomatic with medical health either. While coloring is available to cover it, it is best to avoid those with harsh chemicals that could burn the scalp. If you use heat styling agents, bleach, or styling accessories, it will further cause damage and affect hair strand health, which leads to more hair loss or bald spots.

Medications And Hair Loss

There are several medication families that affect hair loss, including those for cholesterol, NSAIDs, anti-blood clotting, birth control, antidepressants, antibiotics, and menopause. Hair loss is a short-term symptom, and with discontinuation, the hair will grow in about two months.

How Long Does It Take For Hair To Grow?

Once your scalp and hair follicles enter the re-growth stage, it takes about two weeks to begin to see new hair appear. After four weeks, your hair strands will begin to take shape and grow at their normal rate. After about eight weeks, you will have about one inch of hair on your head.

Scalp Massage Techniques For Hair Loss

Recent studies found that a 24-week four-minute scalp massage routine each day resulted in hair thickness and changes in gene expressions. It also increases blood flow in the arteries leading to your hair follicles and hair roots to promote hair growth. You are also less likely to experience any scalp inflammation, physical or emotional stress, heart problems, and blood pressure. You can do a scalp massage before washing your hair or when using a volumizing dry shampoo

  • Tip One: Be gentle and use your fingertips. Pay attention to your stress level.
  • Tip Two: Increase the compression progressively if you feel more pressure in the scalp, face, or neck areas as a proper massage can have a full mind and body effect.\
  • Tip Three: Begin to massage at the hairline edges and move upward to the crown area.
  • Tip Four: Continue to massage the scalp in moderate circular motions for four minutes.
  • Tip Five: Repeat the process daily and continue to monitor stress and hair loss or growth.

Scalp Health And Nutrition

You need to consume both macro and micronutrients for scalp health. Eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and zinc will support hair and scalp health. You should also increase your intake of whole grains, dairy, and leafy vegetables. You will find that since your scalp is skin and tissue, any nutrients that are healthy for the body are equally vital for your hair.

You also should keep in mind that crash diets can severely cause hair loss and thinning. Not receiving enough calories is harmful to both your scalp’s health and your hair strand vibrancy. Most especially if you have an autoimmune disorder, eating disorder, or are dieting, you should take a nutritional supplement that supports hair health, skincare, and hair regrowth practices.

Scalp Protection

As your hair follicles are also critical to health, using a scalp treatment will reduce hair loss and counteract regular chemical treatments, environmental, or haircare routine damages. The right routine will also deter the loss of moisture that keeps your hair texture appearance stunning. 

You will also further promote scalp health by not brushing your hair when wet as it pulls the hairs from the roots. You should also exfoliate the scalp weekly to promote new skin cell creation. Most essentially if you suffer from one of the scalp conditions above, exfoliating several times a week will continue to remove dehydrated tissues and dead cell build-ups. Allowing your hair to air dry naturally when possible will further aid the scalp’s healthiness.

As your scalp will undergo changes, hair loss is a typical response. Recognizing the signs of hair loss and balding will help you respond and receive treatment before any scalp damage occurs.